By: Raegan Before I begin, I want to say two things: 1) I know our video was light-hearted and humorous, but infertility has hardly been something to laugh about. It has without a doubt been the hardest and most painful thing Scott and I have gone through. Just when we thought we couldn't cry more, we did. Just when we thought we couldn't be more heartbroken, our hearts got broken all over again. Just when we didn't think we could get more tired, more frustrated, or more angry, we felt like we couldn't even think straight. Somedays were just plain hard to even get out of bed. 2) I know many have gone through so much more than us, have waited much longer, and have had far worse experiences. I do not want to make our situation seem bigger than it is. I have learned everyone's pain is individual and unique in their own way. I never want to discount someone's hurt or journey. To set the stage, I have always wanted to be a mom. At the age of 8, I was knock...
thoughts on life and faith